Energy-Efficient Storage System Optimization and Recent Trends in Enhancing Energy Management and Access Microgrid: A Review
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Energy is a vital component of our everyday lives, driving advancements in human development, economic expansion, and efficiency. Implementing sustainable energy storage systems is an economically viable approach to improving energy efficiency and regulating the generation and consumption of power. This study extensively examines energy storage, delving into several techniques, their practical uses, and the most recent progress. It focuses on environmentally sustainable alternatives for the electricity sector, including batteries, flywheels, thermal storage, and pumped hydro storage. The influence of includes compelling case examples, such as using vanadium redox flow batteries in maritime hybrid propulsion systems and advancing portable hydrogen energy storage devices. The results are encouraging, indicating that these technologies have the potential to be adequate replacements for traditional fuel sources, particularly in isolated areas where there is a critical requirement for energy storage. Moreover, this study thoroughly examines the integration options for energy storage in microgrids. It explores the complex aspects of the models, assessment indices, and optimization methods used in designing energy storage systems. This paper explores the capabilities of software used to determine the optimal size for energy storage systems. Furthermore, this study introduces and examines uncertainty analysis in modeling energy storage devices. This state-of-the-art technology has been created to demonstrate the effectiveness of energy storage systems in microgrids, providing crucial data for future progress in the industry.
Article Details
Ali ZM, Calasan M, Aleem SHEA, Jurado F, Gandoman FH. Applications of Energy Storage Systems in Enhancing Energy Management and Access in Microgrids: A Review. Energies. 2023; 16(16):5930.
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