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One of the key challenges in developing radio communication systems is the creation of tiny solid-state radiation sources, particularly in the microwave and millimeter range.
An antenna serves as the efficient interface between electronic circuits and the external environment, making it a crucial element in the growing trend of using high frequencies in contemporary wireless communications.
The card actively contributed to the development of several subsystems for an active monolithic Phased Array Antenna, which utilizes solutions in space technology and antenna technologies operating at frequencies of around 30 GHz and 28 GHz, such as Local Multipoint Distribution (LMDS). This document primarily focuses on the study method and the two components of active patch arrays. The radiation models were computed utilizing the cavity plate model, the Simple Green model, and the rigorous commercial Electromagnetic Simulator. The active rectangular patches with the Gann diode were reconfigured and assembled into arrays in the E-plane and H-plane. The calculated and measured findings for both active arrays have proved the potential for beam scanning. All three models have accurately projected radiation levels across a wide range of steering controls. To ensure stable operation, a thin dielectric layer was positioned in front of the H plane of the array. The impact of the dielectric layer on the even and odd modes of the array has been demonstrated.


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Ayman A-S. Radiation Properties of Two Elements Microstrip Antenna Array at Microwave Frequencies. j. adv. sci. eng. technol. [Internet]. 2024 May 9 [cited 2025 Jan. 16];7(1):55-62. Available from:


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