The use of binary digit mapping on ASCII characters to create a high-capacity, undetectable text steganography
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Plain text is commonly utilized for online news and social media transmission due to its lightweight and cross-platform nature. Unfortunately, it may easily be exploited by attackers (For instance, in cases when the language is altered for specific goals, illegal access to the material or its abuse is possible.) To solve this problem, we embed secret texts (ST) within seemingly innocuous cover texts (CT) so that we can track CT for modifications. Based on the findings of this study, a method is provided for ST embedding in CT in which binary ST digits are converted to CT binary digits through Characters in ASCII (containing whitespace, punctuation, and special characters). Before commencing the embedding procedure, Using a One-Time Pad (OTP), the ST text was translated into ciphertext, and the value of each character was changed into a binary integer with a length of seven bits. As opposed to the ST text, which required additional time to encode, the CT text could be converted into a binary integer using just the first seven bits. During the embedding process, It was decided to swap the first bit of the ST character for the first bit of the CT character, which both had the same amount of bits (putting the first bit of the ST character, for example, on the same line as the first bit of the CT character). Any piece of ST that was recorded on any bit of CT served as a stage key. Extracting ST from CT requires the stage key. The embedded information served effectively as text steganography or watermark, and the CT's appearance was unaffected by the embedding procedure. In other words, the 1 character of ST might be concealed by using 7 CT characters. Also, a Jaro-Winkler Distance of 1 meant that the stage texts made couldn't be told apart from CT by looking at them.
Article Details
A. Naharuddin, A. D. Wibawa and S. Sumpeno, "A High Capacity and Imperceptible Text Steganography Using Binary Digit Mapping on ASCII Characters," 2018 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications (ISITIA), Bali, Indonesia, 2018, pp. 287-292,
doi: 10.1109/ISITIA.2018.8711087
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