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Mutaz Qutob
Dua’a AlMajali
Ibrahim. F. Varouqa
Mohammed A.KA. Al-Btoush
Taiseer Rawashdeh
Sora Sora Omari


This article has been retracted at the request of the Editor.

A long time after the publication of the article, the journal received a complaint from a researcher claiming that he is the rightful owner of the article and that it had been published in another journal. Upon investigation, it was found that the researcher is indeed connected to the research, as he provided evidence to support his claim. When the researchers were contacted regarding the issue, we received no response from them. Consequently, the editor-in-chief decided to retract the research.



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Qutob M, AlMajali D, F. Varouqa I, A.KA. Al-Btoush M, Rawashdeh T, Sora Omari S. RETRACTED !!!!!!!!!: Pentachlorophenol degradation in the heterogeneous catalytic o zonation process using Al2O3as a catalyst agent. j. adv. sci. eng. technol. [Internet]. 2023 Mar. 31 [cited 2025 Feb. 19];6(1):24-3. Available from:


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